Our communications today are still riddled with phrases and concepts that cultivate hierarchies and uphold inequalities. If our intention is to move to environments that nurture mutual benefit, promote autonomy and responsible living, we can choose to make active shifts in our intention and language that facilitate, rather than hinder this.
The way we move through the world is shaped by language, from our day-to-day communication to our internal thought patterns, our relationships with ourselves and others, to our attitude and approach to life.
As thinking and speaking are so habitual, the language we use and the impact it can have on our daily interactions and stream of consciousness goes largely unnoticed.
When intention changes, the impact is instant.
In this global moment of increasingly divisive, fear-driven politics, Upwording can lift our thinking quickly, facilitating a collective re-imagining of what else could be possible, to action towards more satisfied, invigorated and sustainable interactions; relationships; family lives; workplaces; societies; cultures; a desirable global world for all.
Rooted in ‘NVC’ Non-Violent Communication, and informed by extensive behavioural, linguistic and social sciences research findings, Upwording was initiated in 2016 by Rivca Rubin and further developed with Charles Lauder and a community of peers.The guiding principle of Team Upwording is to increase care; for each other, ourselves, and the whole ecosystem. Our various learning layers assist individuals and groups in co-creating harmonious working, living and partnering environments.
Our internationally based team have extensive combined experience working with organisations, individuals, and groups.
We offer analogue, digital and hybrid learning platforms, lead courses, moderate workshops and discussions, mediate conflicts, and coach and mentor people, particularly in leadership and stewardship positions throughout the creative, arts and cultural educational sectors. We work in English, German, French, Spanish, Slovak and Czech.
Upwording has so far reached directly over 5000 people at international conferences, congresses, networks and festivals in over 20 countries across five continents and is further spread via our podcast, publications and weekly peer practice sessions with the aim of evolutionising thinking through our everyday use of language, co-creating a desirable world for all.
The layers and labs have the principles and practice of Upwording at their core.
We propose to think of communication as considered conscientious caring approaches at the core of our being, being together and among each other. It is the focus on the quality of engaging with one another, sensitive and curious, and assisting each other, rather than having a skillset or tools to ‘apply’ in certain contexts, to situations or a person. Instead we think of expanding broad and specific knowledges, and practice to become experienced in a range of approaches, with various levels of expertise.
Written translations in: Spanish, Slovak, Romanian, German, French, English, Finnish
A grounded approach and space to practice alternative ways of dealing with conflict and having complex conversations
"I enjoyed Rivca’s grounded approach, the space for practicing alternative ways of dealing with conflict and complex conversations, and the pragmatic recognition that facilitation is an ongoing learning journey."
Sandeep Mahal
UNESCO City of LiteratureAids a culture of healthy vibrant ways of working with full capacity
“The impact of an Upwording approach has been kinder, confident interactions with other individuals; more positive forward thinking; recognition of capacity and consideration and awareness of self and others; recognition of the impact of language and care of how we deliver and receive; a positive impact personally and professionally."
Maurice Carlin
Islington MillFun, results and basic frameworks for later work
“Rivca has accompanied our work in the team for several years. Her calm, clear and always friendly manner creates trust and opens up new communication spaces. We asked Rivca to act as a facilitator to help us find a clear vision of what we want to convey to the outside world as a law firm. It was particularly helpful that Rivca brought many methods with her. This gave us a lot of fun and at the same time results and basic frameworks for later work.”