Peer Practice
Upwording Peer Practice is a space where people can come together to practise and deepen our shared understanding of Upwording. The drop-in sessions run weekly for one hour.

What to expect
The session provides space to share thoughts, ideas, feelings and reflection, for those who attend to notice how they are speaking to and about themselves, their lives and the people they connect with.
Each person present is invited to take a turn to speak for a few minutes about anything they wish, and then reflect on what they noticed in the language they used.
They are then encouraged to hear what others in the session noticed about the language. Reflections and noticings are offered in a neutral and non judgmental way, and attendees are not there to “solve” one another’s challenges. No advice is given within the sessions – instead we simply practice, notice and share how we are using language to upword our words and worlds together.
Sometimes during weekly sessions we may collectively choose a particular thematic focus, (for example families, work, relationships) or zoom in on a particular word (“should”, “but”) – but most often sessions are freeform. For this open session there will be at least one seasoned Upworder present to guide the session.
A little familiarity! Have a listen to our Podcast, or come along to a session.